设计师 Designer
王时桦,出生于广东,自小在母亲的服装定制店长大的她,在潜意识里对设计种下了种子。同时多年的绘画训练开拓了她对美学的理解与感知,她向往创造有着日常温度的"美"。本着这种向往,大学本科时她选择了家具设计作为自己的专业。她有着强烈的好奇心,多年辗转生活在中国不同的城市之后,她希望能到另一个国家体验不一样的文化,拥抱不同的生活方式,于是在本科毕业后她决定前往欧洲继续自己的学业,最终在罗马第一大学完成了产品与服务设计的硕士学位。2023年1月,她作为产品设计师加入梵比欧设计工作室(Fabio Verdelli Design Studio)。
Wang Shihua, born in Guangdong, grew up in her mother's bespoke clothing store, and subconsciously planted the seeds of design. At the same time, years of painting training have developed her understanding and perception of aesthetics, and she yearns to create "beauty" with daily warmth. With this expectation, she chose furniture design as her major when she was an undergraduate. She has a strong curiosity. After living in different cities in China for many years, she hopes to go to another country to experience a different culture and embrace a different way of life. So after graduating from her undergraduate degree, she decided to go to Europe to continue her studies. Finally completed a Master's degree in Product and Service Design at Sapienza University of Rome.
In January 2023, she joined Fabio Verdelli Design Studio as a product designer
意大利 米兰 Milan
中国 广东 Guangdong
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